2009 – The end of a decade

Wheeeew. You can really see the dust on this thing. XD

Truth be told, I wasn’t thinking of writing another post on this blog. Thanks to the latest WordPress updates, most of the code I’ve written has broken, and this thing’s currently teetering on the brink of total collapse. O_o

But, given the time, I thought I’d write one last post on here. After this, I have a new blog deployment lined up, but that can wait until next year.

So here ends the last day of 2009! But not just that, this also marks the end of the first decade of the 21st century. How about that hehe. A lot of stuff has happened since 2000 and when I reflect back on the fact I was still a junior high school student back then (and now a uni graduate and full time worker) it really puts it into perspective. I don’t think I’ll really try and cover all that stuff, but I”d like you to stop and think about what you’ve achieved in the past 10 years.

Overall, I think 2009’s been a pretty killer year for me. A lot of stuff has happened, lots of it good… and some it bad. But so much so that I haven’t had the time to even think about writing it in my blog. I wrote a list of all the stuff that happened in ‘08 on the last day and I thought it was a nice thing to reflect on, so I’d like to do the same here.

  • Went to Japan for 2 weeks in January and met up with all my pals
  • For the first time ever, I bought a Mac (Mac mini XD)
  • My contract ended at Tourism WA and I bid the majority of my workpals there farewell
  • I spent 2 months working out of my house as a visual FX artist for a TV production in Melbourne.
  • I got a job at Edith Cowan University as a PHP Web Developer as well as managing other media, making tonnes new friends.
  • Thanks to my work on the production, I made a lot of new friends and some awesome new contacts in both Melbourne and the VFX world.
  • I’ve really gotten into helping out RFLan now. No longer just a junior admin, I’m glad to contribute graphics and code for the site and marketing aspects of it now. ^_^
  • I tried JLPT Level 2 again for the second time. XP
  • I flew out to Melbourne and met all of the cast and crew who worked on the SciFi production
  • I had relatively major open surgery to fix a blocked kidney.

A lot of those points I thought would totally make an awesome blog post, but due to time and the buggy nature this blog has contracted, it hasn’t really been feasible.

But, on that note, for the past week, I’ve been working on a revamped version of this blog that fixes all of the issues this one’s been having as well as a fresher style, and a new brand name. I intend to have it up in the next few days!

As far as new year resolutions go, I think I had a pretty easygoing one last year; get better at Japanese haha. I don’t think I can really say for sure, but I _think_ I achieved it. XD

In any case, I think I might choose a different resolution for this year. Aside from the obligatory ‘lose weight’ and all of those types of resolutions, my main resolution is just this…

This year, I just want to do good.

Basically, I want to be able to keep setting out to do all the things I do, and I want them to come out _good_. I want to utilize this blog better, I want to utilize my Twitter and Facebook better, I want to set aside more fun time for games, and I want to do a good job with all of the work I create, whether it be a fun personal project, or a piece of work for a client or my fulltime job. I have a list of stuff to do the length of my arm, and I’m sincerely hoping to do it all, and do it all well.

It’s a pretty wide roundhouse resolution, but I want it to be my one driving goal for this year. It may not be possible overall, but I’ll certainly try.

So here’s the end of my final post for 2009. Overall, I’d say it was a good year. A lot happened, mostly good, and some bad… it was definitely a much more interesting year than 2008 was hehe.
But that being said… ultimately, I don’t think I could have asked this year to have gone any better than it did.

On that note, Happy New Year everyone! Make it a good one, and please let me know what you’ve chosen as your new years’ resolution!

See you next year!

  • Published December 31, 2009
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