Posts for 'Personal'

So long 2010! Happy New Year!

December 31, 2010 •

I was thinking about not writing one of these this year. They’re a bit cheesy and maybe a slight bit of an ego-trip. ^_^;
But I figured what the hell. It’s good to reflect on what you’ve done in a year and I’ll have forgotten this all by this time next year.. XD

So… without a doubt, I think 2010 has been the most awesome year of my life, thus far. ^_^

A few things I’ve done this year included:

  • Volunteering at 3 separate community events (Waicon, Supanova, RFLAN) and making a pile of new mates and contacts in the process.
  • Released my first iPhone app and started work on two more.
  • Went to my first ever developers conference and had an absolute blast
  • Went to Japan, made more friends, and saw some parts I’d never seen before (Roppongi. 3AM. XD)
  • Generally, gone out and partied way more than any other year. XD

Suffice it to say, I feel like I went and got out there a bit more than any other year thus far. And enjoyed every minute of it. ^_^

To all my mates, have a very Happy New Year. All the best for 2011, and have a safe, responsible and fun time tonight. ๐Ÿ˜‰


Off to Melbourne!

September 25, 2010 •

I’m sitting in the domestic Qantas club now. 20 minutes until the gate opens so I thought I’d write a quick blog.

I feel very honored and privileged to have been selected by my university to attend the annual Apple University Consortium DevWorld conference that will be happening this week. ^_^

There’s an extremely interesting schedule lined up including a day long primer on Cocoa, a cool sounding talk on git as well as a lot of cool Apple-centric presentations in general.

Just like my trip to Japan, I’m not sure how much blog time I’ll get, but I’ll try my best to post any cool stuff I learn on Twitter.

To all the folks in Perth, enjoy the Royal Show!

Greetings from Japan!

August 8, 2010 •

The view of Kobe Bay from my hotel windowHoo boy. Talk about your crazy epic prep and packing frenzy. The last thing on my todo list was to write a blog on what’s goin’ on, and I finally got to it. XD

I’m writing this post on a plane, currently flying out of Hong Kong and headed for Kansai, Japan.

Earlier this year,ย a fellow ECU student and myself were very lucky to receive scholarships to attend a study seminar in Kobe. The seminar will be focused on ‘multicultural symbiosis’, and will run for 2 weeks. It will consist of a lot of pretty interesting activities, including hanging out with a host family and going to make soba noodles out in the countryside.

Since I was very fortunate to receive a similar scholarship back in 2006, I’m extremely honored to be chosen again for another one and plan to do the very best to represent my university, and Australia as a whole. ๐Ÿ™‚

Now… the last time I went to Japan, I tried to blog about the stuff I did everyday, but found out that there simply isn’t enough time to do that. ^_^;

So this time, I plan to leverage the latest social media tech to the extreme, and post updates as a go along. This will probably consist of Twitter updates and Foursquare checkins as often as possible (But hopefully not up to spam levels haha).

I learnt from my past trip to Japan that using global roaming on one’s iPhone is a VERY BAD THING TO DO, and this time, I’ve tried renting out a 3G SIM card from DoCoMo, which I’ll report back on here on how well it goes.

Anyway, the plane’s about to land. I’ll be posting this the next chance I get.

See ya round!

Volunteering at Supanova Day 3

June 29, 2010 •

Again, same deelio with the photos. I’m SERIOUSLY considering buying a DSLR camera with good low-light sensitivity for next time. ^_^;

Whew… sorry for the late post. I was pretty much straight home and into bed last night. Words could not describe the level of knackery I was feeling. ๐Ÿ˜›

Anyway, quick rehash of how it all went down:

Rocked up at 7:30 again. It was a few degrees warmer this time, but still darn near freezing point. XD This time I brought gloves, but my feet froze haha. Going to go back and work on my Perth winter wardrobe… XD
A few volunteers weren’t able to make it this time, so the tasks got re-allocated a bit. Thankfully my posting didn’t change; back into the seminar room for more crowd control! XD

I’ll see if I can do another re-cap of the new guests this time as well:

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Day 1 of Volunteering at Supanova

June 25, 2010 •

Sorry for the bad photography. I only had my iPhone on me at the time. Can’t wait for iPhone 4. XD
NB: WTF! WordPress flipped my pics! I’ll have to fix that later tho, sorry!

Whew! Well, day 1 of volunteering at Supanova is over! Boy am I knackered! ^_^;The Supanova Opening Ceremony

It’s been a pretty interesting day, and although there were a few hiccups here and there, generally it was all good. ๐Ÿ™‚
Like I mentioned in my previous blog post, I’ve decided to document how the whole experience goes so there’s more information about it available online to other potential volunteers. ๐Ÿ™‚

So I thought I’d go about this in 2 phases. I’d document down everything that happened, and then write my overall feelings on the matter.

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Supanova this weekend!

June 24, 2010 •

The Supanova Logo!Sorry for the complete lack of updates. Busy busy work makes for hard blogging. XD

So, Supanova, the pop culture expo is on this weekend!I last went to Supanova in 2008, and had a pretty awesome time.

This time, I’ve decided to take things further, and I’ve volunteered to help run the event! ๐Ÿ˜€

I’ve heard a few varied things about volunteering at this event so far though… The majority of people I’ve talked to said it’s great fun and definitely worthwhile. A few others have told me that there are sometimes some hinks in the schedule, where you might end up not having anything to do on your shift. ^_^; But then again, considering the scale of the event, and the number of volunteers, this is understandable.

Either way, I thought to myself that rather than listen to the opinions of other people, I should go out there and experience it for myself. ๐Ÿ˜€

In any case, since the internets came up dry on people posting their own thoughts on how it truly is to be a volunteer at Supanova, I thought I’d have a go at reporting back here on how it goes.

I’ve been a volunteer for RFLAN for 3 years now, and I volunteered at this years WAICON as well, so I’d like to think of myself as having a pretty good range of experience at Perth events… so with that in mind, I want to try and contrast this event against the others…

In any case, there’s an awesome guest list and plenty of fun activities, so it looks like a totally fun weekend all round!

Hope to see you there! ๐Ÿ™‚

P.S: OMFG! Apple shop opening in Perth this weekend! XD