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Posts for 'Personal'

Nearly Getting Hacked

May 24, 2016 •

Earlier this evening, something somewhat disturbing, and extremely sobering happened.

I have a media PC, a small Intel NUC in my living room plugged into my TV on which I play a lot of movies/music. In order to control the NUC remotely from my laptop or desktop PC, I had TeamViewer installed on it, and always running in the background. Even though it was on, I rarely ever used it.

This evening, as I was watching a video on YouTube on my NUC, the TeamViewer ‘thanks for using the free version!’ dialog box popped up. ‘Whatever’, I thought, ‘It must have just done a system update’. And closed it.

Right after that, the TeamViewer application window itself appeared and stated ‘Tim Oliver has connected’. Immediately after that, the audio on my NUC was muted.

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Fare-thee-well 2015! Sup 2016!

December 31, 2015 •

… that’s it? 2015 is over?

I’m not sure how good a sign that is, but I can’t believe how fast 2015 flew by. That was truly ludicrous.

I said last year that 2014 was a ‘maintenance year’ for me. A lot happened, but it felt like all the effort that went in simply maintained the status quo. Nothing really advanced. I could probably chalk that up to the fact that I had to spend a chunk of my time re-designing iComics for iOS 7, as well as shifting house several times.

No, if I had to describe 2015 in one word, I would say ‘transformative’. So much changed, SO MUCH CHANGED and it was an exhilarating and amazing time. 🙂

Some of my highlights of 2015 included:

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29. The final year of my twenties.

November 20, 2015 •

(This photo here is my birthday dinner with my parents, sister and grandmother. 🙂 )

Whelp! There we go. I’m 29 now. The final year where I can say ‘I’m in my twenties’. Criminy. How frightening. Doesn’t time fly. XD

In any case, as I like to do every year, here’s a quick flashback of my previous year of existence. I like to do this just to reflect on what I spent my year doing, so I can better figure out what I’m going to do from here. 🙂

Hands-down, it’s been an absolutely ludicrous year; much more different, and much more transformative than I think I could have anticipated this time last year. So much has happened, so much has changed, and I’m really happy it turned out the way it did. 🙂

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So long 2014! Happy New 2015!

December 31, 2014 •

That… that was fast. Really fast. I can’t believe how fast 2014 blew by. That was way too fast.

What an absolutely crazy ride 2014 has been. I cannot believe how ridiculously busy, and at the same time how rewarding it’s became at the end.

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Boom. 28.

November 20, 2014 •

(Sorry eveyone! An iComics release post is on the way as well. Lemme just put this one out first. XD)

Blimey! There we go. Another year has gone by and I’ve ‘levelled up’ once more. So long 27… hello, 28. That felt way, WAY too fast.

Thanks an absolute tonne to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. You have no idea how much I appreciate that. 🙂

In the past couple of years, it’s become a bit of a personal tradition of mine to write a quick list of the things I accomplished in the year. Not only does it serve as a permanent record that I won’t forget, but I like to think it lets me reflect on all the things I did in that year of my life I’ll never see again. Also, it lets me set the benchmark I need to beat next year. XD

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This blog won an award tonight!

October 8, 2014 •

Blimey. Never in the 6 years that I’ve been running this blog did I think what happened tonight was going to happen!

Every year, the Australian Web Industry Association holds a set of awards to recognise the skills of web developers across Australia, with the goal of helping to foster innovation on the Web, and to generally set the bar of quality in producing content and services for clients. There are multiple categories in the Web Awards, spanning from Education sites, to commercial projects to government services, to general social media.

This year, I decided to enter my blog, TimOliver.com.au under the ‘Personal’ category of the Web Awards. I thought that this would be a good opportunity to see how this blog would compare against other potential entries, and at the very least, it would let me know what areas of the site might still need improving. I also thought it’d be great motivation for me to fix a few outstanding bugs in the theme code too. XD

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